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False Ban on Skyblock
  • Dan from your perspective I can tell why you banned me but I asked before if this was illegal but I never seemed to get a response about it so here's my appeal. In Minecraft you can pause your game by doing F3+P. If you press this it pauses your minecraft and then if you go F11 and then alt+tab out of minecraft it will keep doing the action you last were doing (in my case mining). I can stop this at any time but I did not know this was illegal. From your perspective it may have looked like an auto clicker of some sort but I can assure you I have never used one and I don't plan on using one any time soon. Just wanted to clarify things up and now I know not to do this. This is a link to the trick so you can see for yourself that I am being honest:
    IGN- Noobz_
  • Hi, we understand that you were probably not using a macro, this is why the ban was short (1 day). The the Unauthorized Client Modifications, Macros & Third Party Software rule prohibits this:
    "One action should always equal one form of input from you. This means "holding down" keys for long periods of time (e.g. AFKing whilst having a key pressed) is not permitted."
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