Hi, i've played on the server for quite a while and have never seen a staff member on. Is the server relying on reporting people to catch hackers or are there actuall dedacated staff members who work on the server. if you could please answer this for me that would be great, thanks for your time.
Hello, there are 2 real staff members at the moment - DansTooGood and Kubsz. DansTooGood is the owner of this server, Kubsz is an administrator . Kubsz and Dan aren't really here to catch hackers and control chat, thats where the community comes in. People like me report people who are breaking the dancraft.net/rules . Now Kubsz and Dan do come on sometimes but they're mainly on the discord (: . Glad to help - Ronaldo917917, If you have any more questions/concerns don't be afraid to just /msg me in game. (:
There are two main staff members, Kubsz and DansTooGood. They are both Administrators while DansTooGood is the owner. Kubsz is usually in charge of processing reports while DansTooGood is the lead developer. If you have any further questions, you may message me on this thread or in-game.