Hi, I'm APthree, an obsidian rank on Dancraft. After reading this message about the update:
"We are not resetting balances. Upon logging in on or after the 9th of December, you will be prompted with an interface to select which server you would like to transfer your balance to, you will have the option of Factions, Skyblock, Prison, OP PVP and Ulti. You will not be able to transfer your balance to one of the newly released Oldschool Servers."
I realise I never got that interface... I had over 40million on Factions before the reset and would HIGHLY like to transfer that money back to factions.
I wasn't sure what category to put this in so I put it general... please notice this post! Please help
Hello, I didn't get that interface either. If you do /bal it will say how much money you have in your "bank account" that's what I like to call it. In this bank account is where ALL your money is from the recent version, to claim this money do /claimbal (amount). You have to be on the specific server to draw the amount on that server, If you want to claim 1 million dollars on factions do /server then press the TNT, then once your on the server do /claimbal 1000000
If you do /bal it will say how much money you can claim from your bank account, are you %100 sure that you had 40 million? Do /bal, see how much $ you have - then do /claimbal (amount of $). If you need more help find me in game and I'll be happy to support you. - Ronaldo
My bal just says my current bal, not how much I can claim. I am absolutely positive I had MORE THAN 40million on factions. As I recall, 46million. When I did /claimbal before, it gave me 500k, and now it says "You do not have any balance to claim"