- Encourages raiding, people have objectives and goals, they can spend more time on the server working, grinding and gathering supplies for a raid
- Encourages base building, people now have a reason to make bigger and stronger bases, not only that but more creative defences will become, diversity on servers is what attracts new players, sometimes it's the players of the server that create the diversity
- Encourages communication, smaller teams would join together in order to be strong enough to take on bigger factions, this will help reduce toxicity on Dancraft as more bonds would be made.
- Increases playtime, players would spend more time on the server, this helps them and helps you, when people see servers with a large player count they are more likely to join, it's a fact, no point faking the player count as it's too easy to find out when it is being done. Notice how I didn't criticise you for doing it.
- People will stay on active servers, meaning even when people get raided they are less likely to leave as a result. This is because it's just as easy to get your stuff back + some if there are other people on the server to raid.
Effect of Disabled TNT on Factions (New):
- Lack of raiding, players lose interest and lose motivation to want to play on the server, this isn't my opinion this is completely factual, it's proven by the player drop factions has taken since TNT was disabled.
- Lack of communication and negative communication, people have no reason to talk, if everyone is just as protected as each other what reason do they have to communicate other than in a negative way, I.e trash talk, they have nothing to lose therefor have no reason to watch what they say. Again not my opinion, simply factual and logical.
- No competition, Yes I do like to win, but I'm sure others do to. this links to motivation, as a player I find and have found coming on just to get my kits and leave being boring, yeah for you it work, it gets people on the server for a bit and you have a bigger player count for a while but then what, once you have attracted the new people what do they have to look forward to, they become apart of the same cycle, rinse and repeating the same thing as others.
To make this fair I looked at two sides of the argument, the reasons for enabling TNT and the effect of not enabling it. I don't believe there to be any advantages for enabling TNT so I have not even considered trying to defend it.
Ways of enabling TNT smoothly:
- Since you like the idea of implementing creeper eggs into raiding, why not make it so less creeper eggs are required or better yet, make it so TNT can do X amount of damage and you cannot break the block unless a creeper egg can destroy it, for example a block of obsidian has 10 durability, you can get it down to 9 with TNT and then the only way to destroy the last 1 durability is with a creeper egg?
- Make the durability of obsidian very high, so that there is still need to grind and make money to get TNT, so that not everyone gets raided as soon as the change comes into effect
- Bring F top, as shown with the old leader boards, people actually worked to become #1, I feel the same would happen with F top, if you give people a REASON to raid they WILL Raid, it's common logic.
Issues with DC as of now In my opinion:
- Lack of desire to play - Lack of care for old players (You said yourself you focus on attracting new players than regaining old) - Lack of rewards and competition - Lack of moderation, and incorrect moderation, I've still got a forum post which was purposely avoided on November 25 07:46AM. - Too many servers, with a small player count the last thing a server needs is more servers, it just decreases the amount people talk to each other and further shortens a smaller player count even smaller. Just have factions, skyblock and ulti to start then work from there
How To Fix:
- Give players a reason to not only join but to stay, the people with the best ideas I have found are the older players, even if I disagree with them, the suggestions are good and usually more than one person agrees. Competition would be the best way in my opinion
- MORE RESETS, as we know servers are at their peak in terms of activity and player count when they reset, so why not reset servers more often and implement seasons, give rewards for winning each season like tags and a place on a leader board on the forums with the winners of every season of the different servers. Not only will this help the players stay but it will help development of the server, when servers reset they have their issues, the more you reset servers the more likely you are to become more aware next time a reset happens and gives you a stronger and stronger foundation to reset on every time. don't make the resets too often though, I'd say for factions around 15-20 weeks a season, give weekly rewards like faction top points or money rewards for the person in the number 1 2 and 3 spots every week, hopefully the people in these positions would change weekly, especially if TNT is enabled to give everyone an equal shot at fighting and raiding for the number 1 spot. I have a lot more ideas on how to make factions more competitive for EVERYONE, if you need some just ask.
- Staff is a very controversial topic, it's not quantity but quality, especially for DC's current player count. If you refine the way reports are handled etc, DC can be a better place. Many people also do not even bother going to the forums to make reports, so why not make the report process carried out on the server as follows:
/report (player) *OPENS GUI for type of report* *SELECT REPORT CATEGORY (Hacks, scam, chat related, other) *PLEASE TYPE/GIVE DETAILS*
This would give you: 1) Time of incident 2) Type of incident 3) Players involved 4) Implement points system, where if player receives a certain amount of reports (points) they are flagged and categorised into order of severity, this would make the staffs job easier and it would reduce the chance of people leaving the server to never join again because they didn't go to the forums to report the incident. It would only take minutes to complete the report on the server. 5) In terms of scamming, if the staff is online at the time of the incident, it would be likely they can settle the matter a lot quicker rather than their being a delay and again reducing the chance of people leaving forever. Win x5
Feel free to express whether you disagree or agree. Happy to discuss with everyone who dislikes me, likes me or doesn't know me.
@DCPolice Dan requested I made a suggestion in the suggestion page, which I did, this post in the forums isn't f or Dan, this is to gather player thoughts and interests. Bye.