Well ok. I woke up this morning, and I saw a lonely wood block on my floor (in minecraft) and I tried to break it, no luck. Turns out, no one else can break blocks on their islands either. I only like skyblock, OS is trashy version of 2 years ago. I'm literally quitting, and other people are if you don't fix this. This is a big deal for me, I have spent 160+ hours on skyblock, and finally got 1.6 million island points. Last night, me and all the other players on skyblock experienced multiple server crashes, so we left and played Hypixel, expecting it to be fixed today. And when I woke up, I realized I had no island. They had reset. Is this Kubsz or Dan's doing? It matters not to me, but if this doesn't get fixed I am quitting and spamming Planet MInecraft forums, as well as YouTube to warn others if they join, lost of resets are ahead. 2 resets in 2 years... great. I am done with this and am gonna chill, because this happened before and was fixed shortly afterwards, but just know if this isn't fixed i'm quitting... not that anyone cares about me anyways, I am a dirty raider.\
Btw, a little off topic, by raising the prices of ranks, no one will by them. 50 bucks for GOLD? Those prices are from hell.