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False Ban on an Alt
  • Alright how do I begin this one. I was on an alt EmeraldLP because I like to PvP without no one knowing who I am. I wasn't alting because I wasn't using any of the alts privileges. You know my IP address Dan and you can tell I was on an alt yet you still banned me. I wish I was recording at the time because I had no idea I would be banned for pvping legit. Everyone knows Australian's get super delayed hits and we can get crazy 'reach'. Also when you jitter/butterfly click, the more CPS you get the less kb. I lag around I don't know how to put it to you any other way... But I have never hacked on DanCraft and I definitely don't expect myself to anytime soon
  • We have reviewed this sanction and deemed it not to be false.

    The account, however, is linked to over 10 other different accounts and for this reason we feel it is appropriate to remove the link between your account "Noobz_" and this account.

    Please note that when we review an account, we use historical data to assist in our investigation. This means even though the account may not have been cheating when you were playing, it has previously cheated on the Dancraft Network.
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