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My crap internet?!?=false ban!
  • So I'm on my alt because people hate my main account. and i decided to pvp, my internet is crap and i was watching a YouTube video inn the backround and i hit a lag spike and i kept clicking on a guy. and this happened multiple times to me. so that's maybe why it may happen more then once. this happens to me reglulary and i feel i have been in false banned. i am willing to ss. please understand my family uses Netflix and my internet is trash on the regular. sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Thank you for your appeal.

    After a thorough review into your account, it seems there was potentially a lapse of judgement by a staff member.

    The data we looked at is indicative of a click macro, and due to linked accounts that are shared by many users, we did not offer the benefit of the doubt in this case. In this appeal review, we did notice that the data we have is very little in quantity (it seems you were only online for a short period of time) and for this reason your sanction has been removed.

    Apologies on our behalf.

    On a side note, we do not recommend that you use public alternate accounts in future (we can see some are linked to your account). Not only does it raise eyebrows when we are reviewing accounts, but also can result in you being falsely banned because of a link to an account someone else has broken rules on.
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