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Banned For 2 Days?
  • So what happend is i did do /vm yes to NofuxGivens Vm that was because as u saw that guys screen shots https://snag.gy/mZPFQw.jpg https://snag.gy/U9WB4F.jpg Nofuxgiven he was spamming me and i vmed him like 1hr 30 mins before that because he was Bypassing Chat filiter as you can see here https://gyazo.com/2ea44984f4730428e3bcfcb763698e76. Please Contact me thank you for your time.
  • Hi, thank you for making appeal.

    Vote mutes should only be started and/or voted yes to if you have seen a recent (e.g. in the past 60 seconds) chat offense by the player the vote is for.

    Bypassing the chat filter is a chat offense and can be punished with a vote mute. That said, the vote mute should be issued at the time of the offense. You should not call a vote mute on a different server, or at another time in future for that same offense (or any previous offense). This is to stop people from calling vote mutes at times when it suits them and for reasons other than enforcement of the rules.

    This is not your first instance of vote mute abuse. Because of this, we believe you should have a fundamental understanding of how and when vote mutes should be issued, and therefore we have decided to not remove your sanction in this case.

    Future instances of vote mute abuse will result in more serious sanctions.
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