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  • Hello dan, it has been about 2 years a believe and I woke up today with a discord message about dancraft. This message made me think about dancraft again and really like sparked in me and got me thinking about the server. I honestly really miss it it has been a while and do miss the people I played with and I remember most of them and would really hope to come back on and maybe play like old time sake. I remember dan games when you did that and niqht won and I remember when you did a dp a long time ago for bedrock rank you dropped a book and I won it <3 also I remember when I cried when I lost my god swords in factions. Dancraft was my Minecraft child hood and I threw it all away A 2ND TIME. I already had my second chance technically but due to hatred I threw it away and used a hack client just to try and get another player banned. I obviously regret what I did but it was the hatred for that person that led me to it. I never wanted to ruin the game for anyone even tho I had that chance of actually getting him banned. I’m sorry for using a hacked client and really hope to come back to dancraft I know 3rd chances are rare but I really hope to come back. Thank you for anyone who reads this <3