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Muted for almost nothing -.-
  • For real, i'm being perm. muted for saying to an none ranked that asked for what is bannable, and i aswered ''For banging your mom'', that would most likely be like 1 hour mute, but it is really enough to get perm. muted?
  • True but now ur gonna learn ur lesson :)
  • learning a lesson? muted for 24h is a lesson, perm is tortour...
  • Yeah, staff are working really hard to deter users from breaking the rules. You can hardly blame them, it seemed to be a rather predominant issue last version. I'm afraid this involves increasing the severity of consequences for defying the rules. I can only suggest creating an appeal under the appropriate category, and your sanction may be lifted.
  • come on staff, its christmas, be a little nice <3<br />
  • To be honest... This issue would usually result in a 24 hour mute not PERM.
  • DansTooGood said to be. He was Fucking my mum, why shouldn't he be Perm Muted.
  • No he didnt ajdhd You took it the wrong way stop brining it now you are taking it to far i was there and his words were nothing what you just said so stop lying
  • I have shortened your sanction to 7 days. In future do not use such pathetic language.
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