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HELP (Obsidian Rank)
  • Ok, I know I posted something like this earlier, but I legit need help with this. So, I bought the gold- obsidian rank, and even after waiting a couple of house, It didnt work. I really need someone to respond, so I know I didnt just waste $53. I dont know if I should repurchase because I might even waste more money. Plz Help Asap!!!
  • Don't ask again or you will be sanctioned for 1 week. Have a nice day ~ Tristan
  • Ok, that just ain't fair. I get banned for asking for help that I can't even have??? U are ripping people off because you are selling things, and people aren't getting them no matter how many complain, in my options you have a very bad business going on, Like I said, this is my option.
  • You could have edited your post PotatoChip127.

    It seems BleachGang is impersonating DanCraft support... I mean, do you think an administrator acts like this and doesn't get demoted? Either Dan recruited a terrible person or they are impersonating a staff, but I highly doubt the former. No good staff user would threaten to ban you for such a minor offense.
  • Oh, it seems that when pressing "Edit" it doesn't actually let you edit your post... I thought Vanilla was better than that.
  • Super lasers I realized that like 1 minute after he posted that comment lol