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As You Can All See Everyone Like Everyone Is Quiting DC Becauses Its A Bad Server
  • Alot of people are quiting dc left right and centre i see about like 50 of them saying im quiting goodbye like wow dc was a good server untill dan fucked it up the whole load the only thing that he made what fucked up even more was the anticheat system he says hes going to upgrade it when hes fucking sitting on his arse getting our money its like fucking kickstarter if you done nothing ffs like i dont know why the only thing i would think will help the server is if the fucking server owner got more staff and done something about the idiotic retarded monster of a thing that you call an "AntiCheat" when its freaking is like a retarded horse like wtf i just saw like fifty players say their leaving like if i was the owner (Ik im not but if i was) i would do jack shit like dan but i will at least try and help the server in a way to stop banning people for nothing just for digging to fast but this isnt what this is about but we all know dan is mostly using "our money" to play on that game "Csgo" prob buying cases or skins or knifes. but dan said that their going to update the anticheat, im just saying tbh i dont think he will at all because i really dont like dan but i havent even met him irl so idk xD but im woundering why people are leaving is it the server is it kubsz is it the hackers is it just dancraft either way it used to be a good server but now it has gone down like a lot of people are quiting because of the anticheat or the hackers or links that can get into you're account (prob not but idk) but this server did used to be a good server now it has been terrible its like "Moneywars" with the hackers but it is more worse but thats not what im here for im here because i want to see why everyone is dropping like flyes like idk why their leaving but there will be much more people leaving we all know when dan stops paying kubsz to keep being a admin he will quit like all the other people i wounder if he already quit but still we all are people like we all know minecraft as a game was a long running game until now what is the problem i wounder can you tell me if you quit (i know why i quit idk why everyone else is). But now we all know whats really wrong with dancraft it isnt the server it isnt the hackers it is a little bit of the anticheat but mostly it is the people who have played this for a long time and now are bored of it and just want to quit because it is boring like ik why they would quit because of that i get bored on dancraft sometimes but if you still play it and you have been playing since v1 or v2 or even v3 that is still good because you're an old player (not in you're like 50 or something you get it) but personally i think the problem is the lack of inactive players and inactive of dan and kubsz ik kubsz is looking at reports but like he should come on some more like a lot more but that prob not happen. Now lets think if it is us or just minecraft in general idk maybe you guys know. Okay so like the main problem of this all happening is prob like a server people are just advertising on dancraft and people just want to play a new game but lets say it isnt that and its just the lack of the community what are inactive but i do think the server in its own game scams ranks to upgrade like it doesnt take the money off of players but i do think it just scams them like the ranks are p2w (thats why i bought obby xD) yes i do think that and a lot more people prob do aswell. Now i think the people who are quiting are just bored of this like they can just be old or they have just been banned for doing something without hacks most of the hacked clients dont even get caught but vanilla does like how xD so bad but i dont like dancraft anymore but i do still try and get on it sometimes but sometimes im just bored of it and just get a new game well its been xCombo_Stratx-Peace. :) (Get ready to see me:) ()))())))()))()))()))()))()))()))()))
  • Not even reading this. I just saw "FUCKING FILTHY GAME peace out-Combo" but Yeah whatever. Just leave
  • I saw that half the paragraph was caps and I stopped reading.
  • cbfed reading but yeah
  • Just realized that you're Derek.
  • The reason why DC's a bad server is cuz of the toxic squeakers.
  • Have any of your school teachers ever taught you ABOUT FUCKING ''PUNCTUATION'' FFS.
  • Pretty ironic for you to say that when you didn't even put a question mark. "PUNCTUATION?"* Hehe, I just made a pun.
  • Fuck, I looked at all the caps and immediately stopped reading.
  • I never even read it I'm just savageeeeeee
  • Optic you're gay
  • Greem do you have battlefront 2 on steam?
  • said that twice