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Dancraft Is Dead
  • This server has sucked for ages and I quit ages ago I just wanted to make a forums post because of how shit dancraft has become if you still play and buy stuff on this server than your wasting time and money.
  • everybody already knows that you negro
  • True. ik im late to commenting but you're right. i try to record cheaters and post it to Kubsz in twitter pm's idk why thats a fucked up idea but i do it and nothing happens. but for some people that try and trash talk the hackers, the next day say bye to ur mc account. or internet. its like every hacker has power to ddos you but they kinda dont. Hope i made my point.
  • Nein Scheisse
  • ^Schwanzlutscher @packsjr
  • @CapnGar @KysBud why don’t you and your fuckbuddy Moe leave Dancraft