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Get off your lazy butts Kubsz and Dan
  • For like 7 months now, Dancraft has been a server that is pointless being around, back in 2014 I really enjoyed this server, more people played on it and there were actually staff on it but now, it's dead so Dan and Kubsz have a break from CSGO FOR ONCE and either come and sort hackers out or just shut down the server, did you know that there are only like 9 people a day online now? did you know this is full of hackers? no. Because you have a crappy server which you do nothing on and you never even brought HG back after 3 years?!?! Well done, you are just lazy idiots who don't care about a server which has people desperate for you to be sorting it out.
  • Triggered
  • They're back and they're sorting it out now, @_JustDiamonds_ ?
  • There aren't even 9 people online at all. For every one player they have a plugin that makes them count as four people instead of 1. Thats why you see 4 people online and 16 people in your multiplayer list. Server is dead, and the forums as well.
  • Just find a different server lol.
  • Du bist ein dummkopf
  • @packsjr Hol dir deinen Kopf aus den Völkern Arsch, weil niemand einen verdammten über dich gibt
  • @CapnGar Same for you, bud.