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Question for Dan
  • I know you mentioned this in your Announcement but:

    This server has been revamped so many times. You have failed to keep the server active and engaging for many players. What makes you SO SURE that this time you won't fail and abandon the community. Are you doing it for the money or for just the pleasure of others?
  • Money is defiantly a part of it (that's normal, for example like on most decent sized servers). But what matters is that on the side of that, he makes it a pleasurable gaming experience for all of us as well. That's what separates a good server and a bad server.

    Think of a server being on a line/scale like this

    (All Care)-------------------------------------------------(Middle)----------------------------------------------------(All money)

    If the server is all care, no money, it will probably be a great server, but wont last very long due to the owner shutting it down eventually, because of the cost of hosting a server.

    If the server is all money, then you have a bad server with no maintenance and no care for the community.

    The best servers fall in the middle, or maybe a little left of the middle, at least in that logic. If Dan truly wants his server to be good and for us to be happy, then that's where the server should be on the line.
  • Thumbs Up to NoFuxGiven.
