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"Your appeal will be reviewed soon"
  • It has been 2 weeks. Mineplex can answer an appeal quicker than that.
  • This isn't Mineplex.
  • It hasn't been 2 weeks. Appeals are being reviewed today.
  • You need to get some 'Patience'
  • Dan, glad to hear it. You should have told me, or at least on the Dancraft Reset thread.
  • Just one minor thing, appeals and reports should not be checked weekly. That's silly. They should be checked daily or every other day. I understand you have a life outside of Minecraft, but as a server owner, these are some critical responsibilities.
  • @Henry1002 We're implementing a new appeal system and weren't expecting its release to be delayed (helper scheme needing to be integrated). We've reviewed the current appeals now, they will be checked semi-regularly until our new system is here.
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