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ReskinGetsRekt Attempting to Scam
  • The player SuperLasers2 was selling 15 chicken spawners in chat and asked me for my price, to which I responded 250k. ReskingetsRekt tried to bid up to 475k until he stopped bidding, but when I checked his balance, he only had 160k. SuperLasers2 might have been in on it because when I pointed out that he only had 160k, I said I would only pay my original price and SuperLasers2 denied to sell me them after that, even though he was willing to before reskin started bidding. So, he was trying to get me to pay more for an item than I was originally willing and almost scammed me out of 225k in game currency.
  • Proof n i b b a
  • I don't have proof and I don't need it, dan can simply check the chat logs and see if he actually cares about this. I only posted it because I could to see what happens.
  • Too bad n i b b a
  • Wrong section, and without sufficient proof, nothing can be done. Sadly, upcharging is NOT bannable. See rules here.
  • E D G Y human
  • Found another one, boys.
  • Dan doesn't care he want u money