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We need factions we are waiting like years!
  • As we all know factions is going to be back soon. But it already needed to be here. And it still isn't here. DansTooGood/Kubsz Needs to get factions ready. People are leaving becuz factions doesn't return. If factions was here there whould be alot of players playing factions. And it whould make the server much popularder then it already is. So please make Facs ready! We all can't wait anymore!
  • You expect a response from the team berwald? All I seem to see is people like you continuously pestering and poking at the staff team for not releasing or meeting deadlines they set, this is why they don't give out dates anymore because people like you are so impatient and stuck up to realise things take time, you ruin it for those who are patient enough to wait. You clearly want another factions server with plenty of bugs and issues based off of the impatience you have just like the last map. Take skyblock as a KEY example of what rushing to release a server leaves you with, bugs, constant updates, changes and up roar from the player base when these changes take place?

    "Where Is Skyblock"
    "Why Is Skyblock Down"
    "Fix This This and That"
    "When Is Skyblock back up"

    Can't you see the cycle here? You BEG for a release, the release is late then you MOAN the release is late, the release comes out having been rushed to release, ISSUES come up then you moan about the issues, then you MOAN when the issues take "too long" to be fixed and MOAN when the server is down because you were to damn impatient to WAIT like everyone else for the official not rushed release.
  • because* popular*
    Please learn basic English grammar before making threads.
  • He isnt English, dont ridicule him It's not his first langauge lol