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My rank?
  • Okay so I have a new account and its badbone14. My old account badbone11 has a gold rank on it. I was wondering if I can get that switched to this account please? My brother has his friend using that account with that merchandise I bought and I feel like it should be put on my new account and removed from the old one. Do you think you can do that for me? If dan will read this.
  • Hello,
    I'd suggest you email [email protected] with your question. They can help you with this!
  • Unfortunately, I don't think this would be possible, as it can't be proven that you are currently the one with legal possession of this account. If this were to be something that Dancraft does, people would just sell their ranks, and Dan would be losing potential money. Therefore, I don't think that this would be done, but feel free to email support! Dan will be reading all of his emails today, so I'd suggest doing it soon. Have a great day!
  • @badbone14, It isn't possible to switch your rank into a other account. U bought it on that account, And it can not get switched to a other account. If Dan got's enough evidence u are him he could do that.