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DansTooGood Abused Power!
  • Omg This is Sooo Dumb I was Asking dan a question *Why Does Invis Pots not work* He Doesn't respond i ask him again in chat factions Still No Response ask him again... I Get muted For Spam 2 Hours Then I go ahead and start playing around i Spam The Chat with The Same Question *Knowing* This Message isn't going through cause in chat it says *This message Will Not Go through While Muted* I keep Spamming just messing around then DAN BANNS ME FOR 1 WEEK I was Telling this This isn't Right in Discord This is Dumb He Wont answer MY question I NEVER KNEW my Messages Still Go Through After I'm Muted YET IT DOES But NEVER IN THE RULES OR ANYWHERE DOES IT SAYS * NO Spamming While Muted* OR * Your MESSAGES STILL GO THROUGH SOME HOW WHILE MUTED* AND So I Get BANNED FROM THE DISCORD AS WELL! THX DAN <3 ABUSIVE OF HIS POWERS!
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