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I had obsidian rank now diamond!???
  • Hello I am a long time minecraft dancraft player. back in the days when I used to play I had myself Obsidian rank and for some reason got deranked and it happened again
    proof video here from 2 years ago. I would like to know if it's possible to get that rank back or not. I have not played mc in a while so just wondering.
    Thanks, PvP
  • I used to be obsidian rank seen in a chat I posted at 1:13
  • The reason why you would be demoted would be you didn't pay the full $150 for Bedrock/Obsidian (such as buying an emerald to obsidian upgrade when you were only diamond or during that like year long 50% off sale a few resets ago). I'd send an email to [email protected] for this instead of the forums.