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Flotschi27 Intentional Bug Abuse
  • IGN: Flotschi27
    Server: ULTI-01
    Reason: Intentional Bug Abuse
    Evidence: https://youtu.be/_SS5y6dygaw
    Admission: https://gyazo.com/89bb291e9947f60e9a960df1f3f07ea6

    If these players like Flotschi27, DoctorSh1t and Cloakdust aren't going to be sanctioned for knowingly abusing this bug and having myself seen them do it, I will start doing it, I find it unfair and unreasonable for them to not be sanctioned.
  • Thank you for taking the time to make a report.

    We take responsibility for this as the bug existed for several weeks before being patched. For this this reason, sanctions have not been issued.
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