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18th May Update
  • Based on feedback from our most recent input form, we've made quite a few changes and additions, below they have been outlined.

    Bounties - Factions and Ulti

    Perhaps the biggest change is the introduction of our new bounty system. Here is how it works:

    • Use the /bounty set [player] [amount] command to set a bounty on a player
    • If this player is killed on either Factions or Ulti, the killer of the player will receive the bounty (yes, they are cross-server) and a message will be broadcasted across the server

    Other commands/features:

    • /bounty me - check bounties set on your head
    • /bounty [player] - view the bounties a player has (if any)
    • /bounty top - view the top bounties currently unclaimed
    • /bounty now - view the bounties on players currently online the server you are on

    Note that bounties can be set and viewed from any server, but they will only be claimed if the player is killed on either Ulti (main Ulti, not Vanilla) or Factions (main Factions, not Oldschool). Let us know what you think of this - we can always make it per-server if cross-server isn't to your liking.


    • Shop prices have been adjusted and will no longer change when you sell items - although this change has also been made to Factions, we have really buffed the shop prices on Skyblock, so be sure to take advantage of them!


    • TNT is now capable of destroying obsidian - it will take 100 hits of TNT to destroy an obsidian block
    • Shop prices have been adjusted and will no longer change when you sell items
    • At least one creeper egg will now spawn in every feast
    • Land no longer needs to be claimed in order to place chests
    • World Border expansion has been paused


    These two features are experimental, let us know how they are to play with (we can always revert things back to the way they were before):

    • Hunger is always at max - it no longer goes down
    • Regeneration III is active when your health is below max inside spawn

    The following changes have also been made:

    • Barrier blocks around spawn have been fixed (players could escape)
    • Every 15 minutes a potion booster is randomly activated

    Any and all feedback is welcome in the comments.

    P.S. OP PVP update announcement and potential input form will be coming out this weekend, so make sure to check back in a day or two for another post!

  • No one honestly cares until you fix the player count.
  • Not to be rude or discouraging, but honestly, Dan, releasing updates will bring back players.
  • will not*
  • @HeyItsHenry Appreciate the feedback, glad that we have our very own marketing guru here on Dancraft.

    You can refer to this post for information regarding future plans.