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Nostalgia hit's you like a bullet
  • I am transitioning into college around now, people may not know who i am but i used to go here religiously.
    This server was really special to me because of the amount of nostalgia that is attached to it.

    I lost track of my Minecraft buddies;
    MrPicture and Grimfrags.
    Hope you guy's are doing well, wherever the hell you are.
    I was Scardeas. Yeah, that guy. If you even know me. I ran a very small faction known as:

    Just wanted to say, thank's dancraft, thanks mojang. You made a lot of my childhood.
    Stay awesome people, catch you around.

    By the way, If either Grimfrags or MrPicture want to contact me, here's my discord pin:
  • Also, please don't spam my discord, folks.
  • no one cares random