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Mod Application
  • Hey I just want to be mod so here's my application.
    Age: 13
    Name: Sympaul/Sean
    Why: I'm a pro Call Of Duty player. Prestige Master Level 80 on Black Cacks 3. Dropped a couple hundred bombs on Nuk3town. 152kills/17 deaths, 18000 score.
    Now if you guys disagree with this and don't want me to be mod, add me on Xbox - SYMPAUL and 1v1 me. Snipe only fam.
    Speaking of sniping, I've seen this "clan" known as "FaZe." But last time I checked, FaZe played Call Of Duty, not Minecraft. *cough* @_Valiant_
    But hey, I guess you could quickity scope on Minecraft as well ;) lya :*
  • s/o to @cookietroller34 ya boi is a cod prodigy <3
  • Give this man a cookie! great application! we need people like you.