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Economy Suggestion:
  • I'm sure many people are familiar with me, now onto the topic at hand; economy. Money is hard to make now in this new version, so that getting ahead so quickly takes time and energy. My suggestion is a 'nerf' if you would for Sulfur and Iron Ingots on Factions Shop. My reasoning behind this is because, making money on Dancraft shouldn't be so easy, and I believe only certain people will ever be able to attain this. That's why I'm suggesting a decrease in prices of many of the mob drops on Factions.

    Sulfur Inventory on Factions sells for: 36,000
    Iron Ingot Inventory on Factions sells for: 80,640

    Consider my suggestion, Ben.
  • I agree with Ben, but money is actually kind of easy to get if you put your energy to it ;)
  • Yes, I agree with fluffia. All you gotta do if you're a rank of some sort get on daily and you get money! And if you're a member you can always vote! :)
  • I didn't mean it like that xD. I meant by making farms and stuff.
  • We have introduced an AFK Timer to counter this.
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