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CauseImEnglish's Appeal.
  • So today I log on coming back from school then i'm perm banned? I've seen the video of my brother it's clear hacks but that has nothing to do with me does it? Like I'm really confused you can ask CauseImGood or AmentrixPvP my brother skyped with us so he could pvp, I was playing cs:go to this point where he's hacking because I died with some decent stuff in the End.

    There is like no point for me being banned, i've being really careful to not get banned or abuse this version because I wanted to be remembered as a good guy not the v3 hacker...

    So if you could get back to me really soon I would appreciate it, and for my brothers sake he'll most likely buy an unban or just leave he came because I needed more pvpers, never knew he would start hacking tho... Anyways bye.
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