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Why did I get banned?
  • Ok so I was banned for an offense to yinyanx? who the fuck is that. First of all, your ip tracking system sucks a big dick. Second of all, ever heard of a vpn? Anyone can use it. I was on it at the time because i was being hit off by someone ON YOUR SERVER. Then I guess someone else was using the HotSpot Shield at the time and was doing something on it. and now I am banned....

    Oh and my username is nll not n_t anymore
    Thats the vpn I was using. Can I please be unbanned? I dont see it fair for me to be getting ddosed and then get banned for protecting myself without knowing someone was using it at the times since there are about 1 million users using it. PLZ
  • Sadly we cannot facilitate unban requests due to VPN usage as lots of players now use VPNs to play on alternate accounts. We recommend whitelisting Dancraft in your VPN.

    Whilst I cannot unban you, we will soon be blocking connection to Dancraft via VPN (or any datacenter line).
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