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  • So on factions the main gamemode I play I dont really feel welcome anymore with all the hate i'm getting from mk1alfie, FrogDaBoss, HellNever_ and they say that they're starting to record all abusers and hackers when they use alt to hack on AKA WhoFreak and now they said i've fly abused where i've reported martmars for doing this before yet he didnt get banned and mk1alfie did that to come chase me!!!! How rude, these need teaching a lesson hypocritical buttheads.
  • k btw you hack
  • causeimblack u call us abuse lol https://youtu.be/_gaRGjiRr9s here for you my lovely tulip love u see you on pvp mate :) dont get banned again no unban for you this time
  • Alright mk1alfie, first off I would like to say, you did the same exact thing and dont get banned and you say you're a good recorder getting people banned maybe go by the rules yourself c: and it isnt abuse cause on one of my reports I did Martmars didnt get banned for it so how is it?
  • And EarthShock123, you say I hack but you know I dont so stop hackusating FrogDaBoss thats a mute remember c:
  • mk1alfie, it doesn't really make a difference you were being completely Rekt anyway!
    I think you are a little hard on people, take a break for a while :), be nicer!
  • @mk1alfie @Earthshock123, quit being douche nozzles to people.
  • To put it into polite terms.
  • Whoa, mk1alife.