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Just Stop Part 2
  • @mk1alfie, quit being such a hard ass to certain people on factions. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean that you should stalk them 24/7 and wait for them to say 1 swear word. I am getting annoyed of seeing your reports on the forums about people saying one pathetic swear word. I am sure that none of the language offend you anyways because you are permanently muted from your anti-social behavior. Lose your salty attitude and get over it. If you jumped into a lake, it would turn to an ocean with the amount of salt in your system. Everyone should just learn to get together and stop being douche nozzles to each other. Thank you.

  • Part 3 soon to come if people don't get common sense soon
  • *coughs loudly bc she got muted for calling a friend a jerk lelel*
  • Lol, I don't like him/her.