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CauseImEnglish's Ban Appeal.
  • So, recently Norppyyy was allowed to throw snowballs yet i'm not? I thought it was completely fine because Norppyy did it without getting banned I really dont understand this, I thought it was allowed... I wont do it again like if I knew it wasnt allowed I wouldnt do it.........

    -Unban pls
  • How about im up right now and How about nooo lol last chance u blew it i told u i would get u one day hahahahaha great team freezone is :P
  • mk1alfie, you're such a hard ass. There's a reason why you only have a few friends on this server.
  • Fluffia, I don't even think he has any, even if he wanted some he's muted so...
  • I got banned
  • Why, zHedqehoq?
  • Lolloololllol this is funny because freezone is dead hahahaha Kudos And ruthless will allways win
  • First off, do you even know how to spell? and it's FreeZone. always*. And Kudos lol? Want a fun fact? Well me and Sam are both friends, I could ruin your friendship with him in a single sentence.
  • You were sanctioned for bug-abuse, which falls under our rules.

    Appeal denied.
  • @Kubsz, as I said I didnt know we wasnt allowed to do it because Norpyyy was allowed, so really you have made the rules harder to follow by always changing them like you even said it was allowed at first now it's not?
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