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  • Hi, recently I was banned on the user _PotPvp_ on the Dancraft Network, I believe my sanction should be removed for these following reasons/things I want to say. 1. First off, I am truly sorry for this, I only said this because of 1.8 pvp and being glitched in a block and its honestly not fair. I know I said death threats to some people and I would like to apologize for my behavior, I would truly not care if a perm mute was put on me, but a ban? I understand death threats are ban-able and all, but Dan or Kubsz, to resolve this issue, just make the server compatible, instead of just wasting your time trying to fix it. Maybe even just making it till you resolve this issue, these are some reasons and apologies to these I have said to.
  • Your appeal has been denied.

    It's funny you seem to feel that a version of a game makes it acceptable to send death threats to another player. I recommend you consult a physician if you do not regard this sanction as acceptable. I think you really need to consider what you said and put it into perspective.
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