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lmao banned for client modifications...
  • I was in PvP fighting Norpy2 (emerald rank) for about a good 10 minutes before I get banned for a modified client. I don't have any "hacked clients" installed on my computer nor do I have a so called "modified client" I was jitter clicking in the fight, and I did hear about you guys adding a new plugin to do with "fast clickers" I use some mods (better sprint & armour status) which are legal.
    I believe I was wrongfully banned... Here's the evidence of the ban. https://gyazo.com/15088f01aae6a74e03cb5d99f67ad936
    Please resolve this issue! Thanks! ;)
  • Hi,

    Using unauthorized client modifications to gain significant advantage over other players is against our rules. My advice is to be honest in your appeal, otherwise it's never going to be accepted.

    Appeal denied, you can purchase an unban here.
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