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Golden Apple cooldown on Ulti
  • On Ulti 50% of the time your gonna find a person who spam eats regular golden apples making them invincible unless you have a good sword.
    The cooldown should be something between 5-10 seconds.
    This should not affect God apples as most people don't have enough to spam with.
  • Most people wouldn't enjoy that. Especially how hackers could kill you easily, you at least want a chance to kill the hackers.
  • +1 People sit in corners and fill their tummies 0/10 not healthy
  • KrunchyPlayz unless your hacking you'll just be sitting there being pummeled by said hacker due to the fact the only reason your alive is that your spamming crapples and you can't fight back because if you do they kill you almost instantly.
  • Click faster then :)
  • Nah, I don't want a golden apple cooldown.
  • Fluffia it took me close to 3 minutes to kill a person who was crapple spamming with the default kit and i only killed them after their helmet broke. They didn't fight back at all.
    VicePresident you really want to waste 3 minutes to kill anyone with the default kit?
  • @paksjr You cannot expect to reign over every player that is new. We are not introducing a golden apple cooldown.
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