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More staff are clearly needed and need to be implimented in a further version.
  • This discussion is about:
    My name is Japz.
    Due to hackers this server is becoming a wreckage, I got Kubsz on to ban a lot of hackers, they just keep coming, due to this I think more staff should be implemented soon or this server will probably not go through this stage!
    I am not saying @Kubsz or @DansTooGood aren't doing there job but they're considered -Nocturnal- (sleep in my day, work in my night) so I think I should be one of the nominees to become a staff member. As a result to this I think we should have more staff, not just random people, that can actually ban hackers -in your night-.
    Please consider this post or we'll never get anywhere.
    Any questions or queries could be answered by me or Sirai.
  • It has been stated numerous times by both Dan and Kubsz that there will not be any new player staff members.
  • I would be glad to volunteer as a staff member, banning hackers 4-9:30pm (GMT)
  • ^ rip chances of being staff <3
  • It is true especially on ulti because people log on with hacks and just go straight to ulti and if you have mods on capable of banning I think it will help out the community
  • Don't agree, if we had more Mods it takes one person to annoy them quite alot and then they mute/ban out of terms which could cause an upset with the server and could lead for them to get hate for being too young or something. Furthermore they could also become a know-it-all and think what they say goes when they're just twisting the rules for their benefit.
  • No, they're defitnely adding more staff; please don't lie on this particular post.
    Reply to: Zivon.
  • CauseImBlack, that's why they're looking to add professional staff, especially now there are a lot of hackers.
  • Is that so? Well how come a few days ago I saw DansTooGood say in factions, 'If you're looking for player staff, I suggest you find a new server.' So where you state, 'they're looking to add professional staff,' it has to be a lie unless Dan has changed his mind. Also could you please stop mini-modding where do you see yourself in 10years? Mini-Modding on minecraft servers? Just think about it.
  • agreed japz
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