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Rank Problems. Please Help
  • Dancraft,

    I have been playing on this server for about a year and a half and back when bedrock was a $150 rank I bought it. Now, I am a $100 rank (Emerald) I don't understand why I would get demoted like this.

    Also my new name on minecraft is TrottimusYT, my name when I bought bedrock was zombiesniper106, and after that it was MightyCaterpilla, then it became TrottimusYT.

    I would really appreciate it if I could be promoted to Obsidian since it is the new $150 rank. :D

    You can check everything I just said and I promise all of it will come out to be true.

    Thanks For Helping,
  • Idk why.. he did it to everyone.
  • Email [email protected] with your in-game name and that you bought bedrock rank for $150. They will resolve the issue for you. :)
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