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Team Omega
  • This is a new team on Dancraft that I will be starting. I have seen so many people starting teams and I would like to make my own. I have been kicked out of a few teams on the Dancraft Network, so I think it would be better for me to make my own. If you do see me listed in another team/clan I AM NOT IN IT. That's mostly why I get kicked out of teams.

    You will have to meet some requirements to join this team. You will have to 1v1 me, or a high ranked member of the team. This team is not so much about 'loyalty' it is more about 'pvp skills.' There are also rules to this team:

    -No hacking
    * If you are ever found with hacks, or banned due to hacks you will be removed as soon as possible.

    -No teaming with other teams/clans
    * You can team with friends, or other Teammates. But they must not be in another team/clan.

    -No killing each other
    * I would like this to be a nice, organized team. Meaning we need to ALL get along, and be a team.

    If you would like to apply for this team, you can do so in the comments. Or if you have a question, drop it in the comments. Hope to see some of you on the team! -Cuddlesss_

  • Sounds great Cuddlesss_ but Norppy2 is already in my clan. Sorry.
  • team omega more like team ogaya amiright
  • Hehe everyone is copying me. You're dead to me Cuddles.
  • Oh sorry Slidde, I asked him if he would liked to join and he said yes...