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No staff ONLINE
  • There are never staff online when I am on and I have to put up with hackers; this is because my computer can't handle uploading, come on around six o clock and find loads of hackers, tonight I nearly died to a range hacker who I couldn't get hits on, luckily he made a mistake and let me out meaning I could bow boost myself away.

    Hackers are a bad thing; get your system back up or get more staff, seriously.

    - Annoyed User (Japz)
  • I'll be happy to answer any questions left in the comments below. :-).
    Currently all our servers are infested with hackers and I am not pleased with this, you need more staff to monitor the P.v.P servers, block spammers, clear chat, mute people, ban hackers, etc.
  • kubsz is on rn
  • lol ur funny
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