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Kubs, Dan?
  • Ok, so you banned me (Elemental_PandaZ) for "intensional bug/glitch abuse".
    Ive saw the report that oLAFen did,
    I 100% admit to greifing Ola's island, but I DONT admit to ANY bug/glitch abuse!!
    I don't see what I did as phishing, as I DID do some of his/her cacti farm BEFOR I blew it up.
    I'm really sorry Olafen, and I will do anything to help you regain your items/stuff lost.
    Please consider this Kubs/Dan. I'm genuinely sorry.
    Kubs or Dan just please it wont happen again.
    P.S Thanks for taking the time to read my appeal.
  • You were sanctioned for phishing, you know what you did. The reason why your sanction messgage is 'Intentional bug/glitch abuse' is because we didn't want to sanction you for scamming, as the rules are inadequately worded. This is why you only received a temporary sanction, if it happens again it will be permanent!

    Appeal has been denied, you can purchase an unban here.
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