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5th or 4th Appeal. Still No Response of Kubsz
  • Ok, so I was thinking maybe my friend and I CauseImBoss and me _AnonymousPvP__ should get another chance cause I see a lot of people getting chances and if we don't get one more chance than how is that even fair we we're not even hacking or using an Unauthorized Hacked Client Modification or something like that at least give us one more chance because I see a lot of players appealing and getting there chances how come I don't get chances to well I hope you respond Kubsz cause I want to have a second chance to with my friend cause I was recording hackers and recording videos on your server that is how much I love dancraft so please give me another chance and my friend please!
  • Appeal denied. Being truthful is the only way you're going to get anywhere with this 'appeal'. Also, if you love the server; why would you purposely break our rules?

    Appeal denied, You can purchase a sanction removal here.
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