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We out(of)here bois ft. face reveal
  • Hey, you guys probably all know me as either Normz or Daityas, or maybe you don't know me at all. I don't suppose it really matters either way, because what you're about to read won't be impacted by whether you know me. I'm going to be taking a break from Dancraft. A long break. I guess this is a break from Minecraft in general really. I've decided that I need to focus much more on my schoolwork and one of the steps that I'm taking to do that is cutting all of the distractions out of my life, such as Minecraft. As such, I've deleted winsys32 on my laptop [Not really ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] and I'll be on Skype and the forums much less. If you want to add my Skype and chat or something, it's timmythetrantula. This'll be the most reliable way to contact me until the summer. One of the contributing factors to this decision was my realization that Dancraft is really no longer fun for me but I still spend stupid amounts of time on it. Dan, I've stuck by this server through thick and thin and I've contributed to it as best I can. I ask no more from you than to perhaps consider the fact that players that value your server quite a bit, such as myself, are leaving in droves and act accordingly. I don't have any specific advice for you, just try to be more conscientious of the state that DC is in. Maybe release Kit PvP as well, eh?

    Anywho, I want to wish a heartfelt goodbye to all of you wonderful people that made playing on this server so enjoyable for me.

    Love ya,

  • Is it me or do all Chris's look alike?
  • Just you xD
  • I'm jealous. I feel like I've been playing long enough and I would quit but frankly I don't want to even though I literally do nothing. at all. on Dancraft. And KitPvP was supposed to be here in January but that didn't work out which means I lost money cus I bought kit op. My sister already quit months before me and I have no life and this just makes it harder for me to concentrate in school.
  • You have total control over whether you stay on Dancraft. It's pretty simple to just decide to stop playing on it.
  • Tina all the og's left anyways so it really sucks :(
  • omfg that fucking forehead. Chris you are sexy but that fucking forehead
  • CapnGar, not all, I'm a OG >;)
  • Nice forehead JUST LIKE Tiimothy https://youtu.be/0RKpYMGMJFU?t=1m52s !!!!!!!!!!!
  • ~Moeasf/Moe/AssSmasher/Pjae