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I might quit..
  • I might quit this server guys.. Someone scammed me for 2 mil igm and it made me so mad that I might quit! Kubsz if you can get my stuff back it would be awesome but I doubt that you will... might4dead1 scammed me for 2 mil 2 sets of p4 on ulti and 2 sharp 4 swords on ulti.. I wish that scamming was against the rules. And he would've got banned. I am also quiting this server cuz there is too many hackers, and they never get banned cuz Kubsz never monitors all the servers. The only time Kubsz is on the server is like for 15 minutes on Saturday and guess what... he is usually afk. If this server gets better and adds KitPVP. I might come back. But bye for now and enjoy this video...

  • Hello young lad, scamming is allowed, and therefor you should have been more wary of your exchanges. I would suggest using /trade the next time you decide to hand over valuables. The hacking issue has been resolved as far as I'm concerned, one hacker on at a time is a huge improvement from the previous versions. If you've noticed the forum category "Report" you would have seen countless threads of which Kubsz, the administrator has answered and sanctioned rule breakers accordingly. Your argument is invalid.
  • It wasn't something you can trade
  • Ahh I see, so you just gave this user everything all at once, didn't even record the exchange. I'm intrigued, do tell us all of what this legendary item that you wanted was?
  • ImGeckos I did record it and you are acting like you are staff and are you... Let me get my calculator out.... And Yes you are... Oh wait... NOPE U AREN'T NOW STFU!!!!!!
  • And this wasn't an argument to Kubsz... I was telling the server that I might quit... You need to think before you put it in the thread once again, THINK BEFORE U PUT SOMETHING IN A THREAD!!!!!!!!!
  • Yes because calling you out for being stupid is acting like a staff member. Also, I'm no mathematician but you can't use a calculator for that...
  • Perhaps you should think about what you type as well. I've made zero sense of anything you said so far.
  • Oh and how about the fact that anything you would need on Ulti could have been traded using the /trade command. I mean, I'm almost positive everything on any server can.
  • This looks more like an attention grab, or even a cheap tactic to get repaid gear you never had. Good attempt laddy.
  • Lololol I got scammed 2 mill and possibly another mill but it's not a reason to quit.
  • I mean, quitting for a social life would make sense ;) lol jk. Not really. Uhm.
  • *What Tina Said*
  • I'm not quitting thanks TIna!
  • I jus wish I had atleast 500k