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What has dancraft become?
  • It's sad that hackers are simply invading the server due to lack of staff; now I see that this is getting important as I lose lots of items (p4 sets x4, p3sets x2, 13-14gapples, super op armour, super op weapons) and we're not fighting back.

    If you don't fight back then more hackers will come, this is because hackers will tell their hacker friends that will tell their friends to hack and then normal players will be forced to hack.

    Either get more staff or be on during the day (8 o clock - 10 o clock, 12 o clock - 12:30, then your usual time shifts.
    This is not fun anymore dan.
    Losing items is fun when a staff members says the can't be refunded when you bought them and lost them to hackers? This is just sad!
  • It's sad how you are minimodding all day...
  • Requested forums ban for rayquaza559.
  • dude i meant to write something else thats my server ip
  • I meant to copy and paste something else not that
  • Please, if we could request forum bans on players I'd have 100+ more posts then I currently have.
  • Agreed ^^^
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