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xXEpicBoomXx Unban Request
  • Hello, I am Requesting a Unban on pvp.dancraft.net I was banned for "Gapple Run" The video proof was horrible you can see me walking <--- and eating a gapple which is not hacking/ I was not running and it was too far to prove if I was hacking or not! (Which I was not) <br />IGN: xXEpicBoomXx


    0.22 Seconds into the video (I WALKED BY)
  • You have been reported multiple times for many offences. You are permanently banned.

    If you wish to be unbanned your only option is to purchase an unban here. This can only be purchased once, I hope you do not abuse the option to have a second chance.

    I find it shocking that you attempt to lie in your appeal.
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