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  • Hi, I was just sanctioned 2 minutes ago for "unauthorized client modification"

    Now I can admit... I hack on other servers, just because I love annoying the shit out of people.

    But Dancraft is a different matter entirely. I joined DC back when it was in early V2 and my fondest memories of minecraft are all of dancraft (v2-3 :) ) and I would never... ever hack on Dancraft.

    There is also no video of me hacking on Dancraft- as the last time I hacked was in v3 :P.

    Please don't tell me to email support.dancraft.net as I will do that straight after I post this.

  • Was I banned because of my name... or what?
  • Your appeal has been denied. Your sanction was issued by our new in-game moderator.

    Please consider being honest in your appeal as further dishonest appeals will only result in a forum sanction.
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