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Kubsz----No Staff Members
  • Hello Dancraft,
    I know many people have noticed this but, there are about 100 open reports and like 5 hackers in every server. Where are these new mods. Is Kubsz demoted? We will never know. All we do know is that Dancraft has way too many hackers and way to many reports that never get looked at. Comment if you agree.

  • Kubsz is Dans irl friend so he wont get demoted
  • I mean, unless Kubsz quit, you never know.
  • kubsz lives with scream from csgo now ever since he met him they became best friends and now live together in the city of paris
  • @DLiebov, Feel free to help out in actually catching and reporting these hackers; rather than complaining about staff inactivity and nothing being done, because stuff is being done and you need to accept the rate at which action is being taken.
  • @RD_PVP Escuse me?? I help out dancraft so much...I have so many reports and why are you mini=modding? Thats the real question. Also did you start dancraft at V2? I don't think so....Its the truth. All staff has been very in-active lately. Its just that Dan needs a better moderator that can stay on a lot and do more work. Thanks

    Best Regards
  • mymatto1 xD no his not LOL