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Spawner Weekly Deals on Skyblock
  • Okay so I'll just state this off with what the prices are for the spawners right now:
    Zombie: $750,000
    Skeleton: $750,000
    Blaze: $1,500,000
    Iron Golem: $2,000,000

    In my opinion, these spawners are outrageously priced. There are only 6 people on the server right now that can actually buy an iron golem spawner if they wanted. These prices are too high and they should be lowered since not everyone is filthy rich yet. The prices should be readjusted and if I were to do it, it would look something like this:

    Zombie: $250,000
    Skeleton: $250,000
    Blaze: $750,000
    Iron Golem: $1,250,000

    Please consider adjusting the prices because these are rip offs basically. Thank you.

  • i agree with this

  • Sadly spawner prices are completely dependent on the amount of Crate Keys purchased. This is because, other than weekly deals, they are the only way for them to enter the Skyblock economy.

    As the server ages, more spawners will be released into the economy and as such, the price will decrease. Unlike previous Dancraft versions, we are focusing on maintaining the economy.
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