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Ulti-02 and OPPvP.
  • Hello.
    I was thinking. OPPvP and Ulti Classic are different from the other servers. Why you ask? There isn't cratekeys!
    So here's my suggestion.
    For each 10killsteaks you get a chest. (cratekey without the key. a portable crate block I guess)
    To open it you rightclick it. And a GUI (like the Lobby's gui and the /server GUI appears.) appears with a chest, full of chests. You have 27 chests to pick from (You can only choose 2chests!). Each containing different useful items. (Use the command /killsteakclaim to claim your killstreak crate!)
    Different key ideas and what to put in them:
    PvPCrate: Killsteak-30
    Possible Wins: 2gapples (5% chance)
    A p2 piece (30% chance)
    A sharp2 sword (25% chance)
    Access to the command /enderchest (1% chance. A good win for non-donnors or gold/diamond rank who don't have access. It would be rare to win though.)
    ProCrate: Killsteak-50
    Possible Wins: 4gapples (all the same %chances as last time.)
    P3un1 piece.
    Sharp3 sword
    Access to the command /enderchest.
    MasterCrate: Killsteak-100
    Possible Wins: 8gapples (5% chance)
    Prot4unbreaking1 piece (25% chance)
    Sharp4fire1unbreaking3 sword (20% chance)
    Access to the command /enderchest (5% chance)
    Access to the command /sethome (1% chance)

    Thanks for reading. I hope you like my ideas.
    These would be cool as an addition to the current servers. Maybe make it world-wide? (Factions, ulti, skyblock and kitpvp?)
    Please bump so Dan/Kubs see this.
    Yes, it will be challenging but it will be cool :D.
  • Good Idea!! ;)
  • Bad idea, this way hackers can still get gear pretty easy, form farming on non-gears, also the Kill Streak they have now still isn't working.
  • @Acrasia yes but, they would be banned soon. Also, starting off with diamond armor, aggesnt p4-6 guys with sharp 4-6 is very good. As the "op" guys would ez rek them.
  • Lol I never use my p4 :(