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New Auction Ideas (/AH)
  • Hi guys,

    Got a few new AUCTION ideas! (/ah)

    1. AUCTION top sellers, if your a top seller for the week/day/month, however you wanna set it out, you get a reward, and lets say your number 1 top seller, you name goes number 1 on the "Sellers" tab!

    2. SELLERS tab, is a good way to go onto people's account the are top sellers, if someone says "Go to my account for great p4", instead of looking through /AH, you can go to there account page!

    Thanks for reading,

  • Branching off of this, I think that there should be a way to have a 'reputation' score. Since scamming is allowed on Dancraft, I think that there should be a way to add positive or negative reputation to players on an interface that could be viewed by other people in-game or on the forums. There should be a cooldown on adding positive or negative rep.
  • That's a really good idea! Dan craft should add that. And Daityas, your right there should be a reputation score.
  • +rep Daityas too smart.
  • good idea but they would'nt do it