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  • Bug: When muted you can still communicate with other players I got my friend to test the command for me seen as though I wasn't muted, which is /minecraft:tell it allows you to bypass a mute (found this on many severs)

    Idea: On factions and skyblock, maybe even Ulti add Auction House (AH) or even just /auction, furthermore could you remove the Anti-Afk thing; how are we supposed to make money?
    Secondly could you add back in Dan Games after OpPvP or a way to make cash quick like in hunger games and dangames would help.
    -jack (sorry if there's any grammatical errors or something doesn't make sense I was tired as hell when writing this)
  • Bump (we still do this right)
  • We have implemented the Auction House suggestion!

    The AFK Timer has also been changed to 15 minutes for regular users and extended based on your Premium Rank. Please see the rank information on our store for more info.
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